How to Attract Advertisers
Advertisers are the lifeblood of your publication. They are means by which your magazine will turn a profit, or in a not-for-profit publication they are the means by which you’ll cover your costs.
Approaching Potential Advertisers
There are four methods
- In person
- By phone
- By post
By email
In Person
Hints and Tips
By phone
Hints and Tips
- This is a good way to contact potential advertisers but it has a lower strike rate than a face-to-face meeting. Be prepared to make many phones calls for one positive response.
- Don’t be down-hearted. When I first set up my magazine I used to take every ‘no’ very personally and often became discouraged. By gritting my teeth and ploughing on regardless I soon realised that the more people I phoned, the more ‘yes’ responses I received, and the less the ‘no’ responses mattered.
- Practice your phone technique. It’s amazing how many of us have a poor phone manner. Speak clearly and smile as you talk; the smile will transfer to your voice and the person you are phoning will perceive you as friendly and trustworthy.
Be flexible. Some sales people develop a standard sales patter and are very successful with it. I always found that didn’t work very well for me. Whenever I tried it I didn’t feel comfortable and my discomfort was probably evident to the person on the other end of the phone. I found a more natural, chatty and empathetic approach worked better. Monitor how successful you are with different approaches and develop a style which works for you.
By Post
Hints and Tips
- This is a useful approach for advertisers you’d like to net but who have proven elusive.
By Email
Hints and Tips
Final Words
You’ll probably use most or all of these sales approaches at some point. The trick is, to mix and match, be flexible and persevere. The first month is the most difficult, after that each month you continue gets easier. Good Luck.